Find My Hidden Rose
by Sharlyn Duval

"My questions had been answered. I felt closer to Jesus through understanding about Baha’u’llah. From here on, I would refer to Baha’u’llah as my prophet."

It took an immersive spiritual journey spanning six decades, never-ending persecution, and countless relocations for Duval to find answers to some of life’s most pressing existential questions. Feeling isolated and out-of-place as a young girl adopted at the age of three, Duval turned to God early in life. Her first spiritual encounter came at age six when she met with the beam of light in her childhood bedroom that overlooked the backyard.

Duval attended her first Baha’i fireside as a young adult years later, an event which would lead to her declaration as a follower of Baha’u’llah, her spiritual guide. In her travels across the country, her faith would be tested many times, with her family’s lack of money causing great hardship, and depression creating a personal internal struggle. But even in the darkest of moments when her faith waned, Baha’u’llah was never far away, and each spiritual event became more meaningful as she continued to pursue her hidden rose.

Although the author is taking readers through a deeply personal and spiritual journey, Duval talks of her family’s nomadic lifestyle in a humorous and light-hearted way, with an engaging personality that jumps off the page. She makes it clear that the purpose of this work is not to dwell on the struggles that can overwhelm your life but to focus on the positives that come from a belief in something greater than yourself. By having the courage to share her journey, Duval shows that as scary as life seems, taking a step out on blind faith with God and allowing him to lead your steps will carry you to what lies ahead.

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