"olive trees older
than memory
lean with the mistral
along the slopes like
the long-haired girls
resting their heads
against the train seat"

McIlroy’s latest book of poetry is both deeply rooted in everyday life, particularly the natural world around her, and seeking to find an understanding of the unseen. Set within the beautiful and rugged Australian terrain, McIlroy writes primarily as a keen observer of celestial bodies and the plant and animal life around her. However, her topics can vary from observations made from train windows, recollections of time spent in the company of various women, and assisting a retired geneticist looking for a rare plant among black stones. She clearly sees beauty and wonder in the world, and often relates it to the human experience, such as in these lines from the title poem: “it’s as if the umbrella / of the Northern sky / has allowed a few of its / glittering cast to come down / and light our way.”

Many of the poems in this book highlight McIlroy’s skill and ear for poetry. This is clearly displayed in the use of alliteration and internal rhyme in these lines from “Poet to physicist”: “can mystic linguistics be / measured in microseconds / millimetres, memes- / or in mixed messages / slips of the tongue.” Other notable poems include “Stars underfoot,” “Black holes,” “Whale tail,” and “Pebbles scattered.” Readers also interested in observing the natural world and celestial bodies will find a lot to like in this collection. The only thing that may put off some readers is the inclusion of some poems which fail to reach the same high notes of McIlroy’s best. However, this collection makes it clear that McIlroy knows her craft and is artfully working to accomplish her intention. Her focus is evident in “Seeking the tomentella”: “while the art of poetry / mends the confusion / between head and heart.”

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