Fly Fishing Challenge
by Forrest Oldham

"Open up your mind to where to look for this information and be willing to talk to others about their experiences."

In order to keep life interesting, it’s important to explore new hobbies and passions to dive into and devote energy and motivation toward improving. In this book, the author tells of his experiences learning about fly fishing as a young man and the adventures or growth opportunities that his interest has offered him. Whether it is selecting gear or making your own, mastering the local fishing spots, or journeying around the world looking for a new adventure, this book is all about deciding how to set personal challenges and then sparking the desire to continue improving and challenging oneself. From novice fly fishers to the pro that knows there is always a new skill or technique to acquire, this book is part practice and part philosophy that is perfect for keeping the mind sharp and the heart engaged in the hobby.

Because of the structure and lessons contained in this book, readers can either take the teaching at face value and begin a fascination with fly fishing, or they can take the same theories about goal setting and incremental improvement and apply them to whatever their passion happens to me. Each chapter includes photos from the author’s travels and catches that show his development and the drive that has kept him fishing all of these years. For the existing lover of fly fishing, these photos will probably reflect moments on their own journeys and travels. In contrast, those just getting into the hobby can use these as a visual reference to learn the concepts being discussed or to envision their future selves. Open-minded and encouraging, this book is a fantastic example of someone sharing his passion earnestly and honestly in a way that inspires others to follow in his footsteps.

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