Free-Riders and Rent-Seekers
by Artur Soares

"Taking into account the number of free-riders who will vote, a winning party must ensure a strong score among them."

Ever since the original days of man where tribes have had to work together to provide for each family and member, the division of labor and the division of supply has rarely been equal. As technology progresses and automation encroaches further and further each year, this situation has reached an all-time high. While there are many citizens working to provide for themselves and paying into the tax system, there are others who are content to coast by on the bare minimum, collecting assistance funds to pay for their food, shelter, and medical needs. This disparity has become an entrenched part of modern society, and the reality of it impacts not just tax dollars but the income class system and the outcome of elections on the local, state, and federal level.

While many books of this nature are prone to point fingers and provide lofty, idealistic solutions for complicated, systemic issues, the author of this book takes on a purely investigative role. The author offers readers insight into the nature of those who seek to gain without providing goods or services into the marketplace. It may come as a shock when those with political power or governmental influence are categorized in the same fashion and as a similar group to those that live on the dole. This book examines how these two seemingly disparate groups play a pivotal role in policy and considers how this trend will progress in the future. Readers will learn a lot about a behavior that is inherently unavoidable, as humans are prone to seek out the path of least resistance, and come away with a greater understanding of the motivations that both the lower-income class and the power seekers alike employ and how it changes society for everyone else in the process.

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