Davis begins his book by recounting his childhood memory of the outhouse, illustrating his early life of poverty. He had a long way to go before ultimately landing a job as a Secret Service Agent at the White House. But it's the other part of the title "And Then Some" that really drives this story. All that Davis experienced between his early childhood and his work in the White House makes for a truly compelling page-turner. The story of his life is fascinating, making this book hard to put down.
To explain his tormented, abusive upbringing, Davis recounts a particularly harrowing scene when his father shot Davis' dog: "his only solace in a difficult world" with a rifle as Davis held him on a leash. Watching his dog die by his side at the hands of his father was a defining moment in Davis's life. His father was a reverend, and Davis would confuse religion and God with abuse and sadness for years. This violence early on in his life would shape him for a long time.
Davis's unabashed honesty makes him instantly likable and believable. He is honest about both his shortcomings and his successes. The reader goes on the journey with him, suffering blows at the hands of his father, volunteering to be on the ground with his fellow Marines in the Vietnam War, and becoming a United States Secret Service agent for the president. It is clear that he has lived many lives, and it's a treat to be able to relive them with him.