From the Fabric of My Mind
by Thomas Fullmer

"may I hide from the harsh realities
of my overgrown life
full of responsibility’s chains
inhibitions of society
which imprison my soul"

Introspective to its core, Fullmer’s poetry masterfully brings every emotion, especially pain, to life, humanizing the speaker and connecting with audiences at the root level of what it means to be human. The essence of the cycle of life and relationships, from husband to father to grandfather, is captured adeptly with the pinpoint use of action verbs and adjectives—from gulls cackling to thunderous waves. Reading Fullmer’s work is akin to diving into a treasure trove; each dive will yield something precious.

Right from the first poem, “Tears,” Fullmer captivates his audience. The repetition of tears as a letter on each line descending the page conjures the visual image of an actual teardrop. While the poet’s use of repetition is exemplary, particularly in “I Wander,” the use of unique analogies and metaphors that readers would rarely piece together, but which in this compilation fit seamlessly, is the driving force. Ideal examples include “Empty Chair,” where the echoes of jubilance heartbreakingly collide against the mountains, or “Egg,” where the “heart is an egg” metaphor succinctly conveys the torment of loss.

The speaker does not waste words. Each one has a value that is perhaps best showcased in “May I Visit Your World.” Through the depiction of a child’s wild imagination, ranging from furry bears to pink dragons, this poem, like others as the compilation progresses, takes on a nostalgic and almost admiring tone toward the free spirit of the poet’s grandchildren and the childhood innocence that leaves pain in the dust. As Fullmer explores his feelings of grief throughout the poem, he never ceases to be hopeful, searching for a rekindling of love through his grandchildren, as shown in “Grandfather’s Prayer of Hope.” Overall, thought-provoking poetry combined with almost flawless execution helps bare Fullmer’s soul onto the page.

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