GOD Speaks in Letters of Eternity
by Anthony A Eddy
BookWhip Publishing

"Faith is going to arise from the trials of man,
from the end-time need for faith,
from the encouragement of God."

Through a series of letters structured in the form of experimental poetry, Eddy acts as the conduit through which the Lord delivers his message to provide hope and an escape from the vices of the material world and ignite a spiritual awakening. A comprehensive table of contents that is broken down both in the order in which the author received the messages and by category makes accessing the desired piece incredibly simple. Though the text is undoubtedly rooted in faith, there is a strong focus on humanity's lifestyle that will have readers appreciating its timeliness and focus on the mind, body, and spirit.

Stylistically, repetition is used consistently throughout the poems such that audiences concentrate exclusively on the key components. The effectiveness of repetition is transparent in numerous poems, but most prominently with the emphasis on "Behold!" in "Decoration of the Heavens." Digging deep into man's flawed character, Eddy explores the inordinate dependencies and vanities while providing a pathway to unconditionally bask in God's will by discovering the Lord's love note embedded in every heart.

More than anything else, reading through these poetic letters and the countless similes and metaphors within is like having a glimpse of the life one lives. It leads ultimately to evaluating if one's preparation for an eternal destiny is on course. If not, it has the substance and guidance to redirect a person to the Lord's path. While the material is already straightforward and easy to grasp for the layman, there is a study aid section after most letters where readers can jot down their thoughts and reflections. Encapsulating lessons spanning life and death, Eddy's work is a beacon of light and hope in a world that is imbued with doubt and uncertainty as its faith in humanity wanes.

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