The Gems of Zephron
by Charlize Worthington
Trafford Publishing

"She continued to hum the beautiful song and Voltron waited in the alcove listening. Her words went straight to his heart."

Two alien races, one near extinction due to disease and another thriving, meet in battle over the the Gems of Zephron. Imbued with mass amounts of energy, they are a precious and rare commodity. The eldest daughter of Lord Zarift is pledged to marry Prince Voltron of Zephron to not only cease the fighting but to give the Zarifitians access to the special gems which would ensure their survival. One last attack on the surface of Zephron proves devastating for the Zariftian people as what's left of their warriors is devastated, and the youngest daughter of Lord Zarift, Lyssa, is captured by the prince her sister is meant to marry.

The story begins with Lyssa prepping for battle and a bit of history, but the initial skirmish hits quickly and ends just as quickly. Lyssa, the established heroine, is a strong female who is captured, raped by her captor who she then falls in love with and joins forces with to protect the Zephorian people as well as her own from her conniving, hateful sister. For the first 100 pages the pacing is slow, until we return to Zarift to learn of Lyssa's family and plots of treason. There are sparks of potential, diminished by grammar and style issues.

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