The second volume of this technical manual continues to follow the outline of the original with more content focusing this time on Europe the largest countries of Asia. After stating the goals of the manual and the different modern and natural factors that lead to forest fires, this book systematically goes through each of the countries that each volume covers, pointing to pages of data about each nation's deforestation and afforestation. Based on the patterns that emerge, each country is given a plan of action to fight wildfires that stem from their industrialization plans or the challenges that the climate in an area produces. Even with a foreword written by a team of scientific experts in the field, this book does not go overboard with technical details, instead explaining these plans in simple language anyone can understand.
Each suggestion comes backed up by anecdotal data from previous wildfires in the area and scientific information that explains how in a true cycle, weather can impact a wildfire while urban development can have an impact on the weather that creates more devastating fires. By focusing on creating more forested land and reclaiming barren lands and deserts into more fertile zones, the author lays a very clear case that the effects of climate change can be mitigated and local economies can be rejuvenated into natural tourism and the creation of new jobs cultivating and protecting that land. By offering practical advice backed by climate science and historical data, readers of this book from the individual citizen to the policymaker should be better equipped to prevent wildfires in their area.
Taken as a standalone reference guide for the European and Asian regions, this is a very comprehensive guide to wildfires, what causes them, and how to prevent them on those continents. But this is the third installment of a four-part series, and the text regularly refers back to points made and advice given in the previous volumes. That being said, the book is written well enough that it can be digested and understood largely without using the other volumes as a reference. Each country's section is full of photos, graphs, and tables full of valuable information that pertains to that particular part of the globe. The entire manual is presented in an outline format that is easy to follow, understand, and quickly look up content and information as it is needed.
In addition to the information contained about specific countries and regions, there is also a good deal of general knowledge about how weather and climate works that can be applied anywhere. An early section of the book goes into greater detail about "fire weather" and how weather patterns play a big role into whether or not fires can be started, and how they can increase the challenge of putting one out. Similar topics are introduced throughout the book, particularly adjacent to subsections about countries where those subjects are especially relevant. Between the table of contents and the index at the end of the book, it is easy to find a single piece of information as it is needed, or it can be read cover to cover to provide a big picture look at the need for more forests and the dangers that wildfires are creating by eating up already precious woodlands. The author expresses the need for this information to be available to anyone who needs it, and has done a great job collecting and compiling it all in another volume of this manual.
This review on Global Environmental Awareness on Climate Change is part of a four-part series for each volume in this set.