God Moments: Lingering Long in the Cool of God’s Shadow
by David M. Cornell
Papertown Publishing

"It is then through the Holy Spirit that God lives in every moment."

God does not follow our schedule. We have to look for him in the most mundane and unexpected moments. Author Cornell illustrates this message with various “parables” that he has devised, some based on personal experience. When they discovered that their newborn daughter was disabled, Cornell had a vision of real love by seeing how his wife seemed to cherish her baby all the more after the diagnosis. Some years later, frustrated that he seemed to have so little control over his life, the author stormed out into the night resolving to end the marriage. But then the kindness of a stranger brought him back to a remembrance of God’s unconditional, “agape love.” An old song brought a message about forgiveness, and the wish to restore a vintage car became a lesson in letting go of old grudges.

Cornell’s stories immediately engage the reader with humor, cozy current slang, and warm humanity. Some are based directly on biblical lore; others are told about friends or are, perhaps, simply invented to suit the points he is trying to make. The central theme remains consistent throughout the book: God finds us when we least expect to be visited by Him. In amplifying this thesis, Cornell asserts that Christians are needed now in the battle against some of society’s worst ills and offers three simple steps for those who wish to engage in that battle. Each chapter begins and is spiced throughout with salient Bible quotations. Though little professional information is offered regarding the author, it’s clear that he has honed his writing skills. His book is a rational, entertaining, neatly organized work that takes religion down from lofty heights and makes it accessible to ordinary folks. It would make a first-rate focus for church study groups.

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