Helping Hands
by Ken Saik

"The possibility of Jill agreeing to marriage also depends upon her dealing with the ghosts in her past, ghosts that Bill suspects reside in Ontario."

A horrible car accident leaves Jill Kreshky with a lot of damage that needs healing. Aside from her injuries and spending weeks in a coma in the hospital, when she returns to her life, she finds it in disarray. The children she had once been so attentive to have now become self-reliant and independent. Her husband has opted to leave her, and without a car or a job for the entire summer, she quickly falls into a spiraling depression. The lone bright spot for her is Bill Wynchuk, a man from her church who stayed by her as she healed in the hospital. Confusing his attention for pity, she spurns his affections but slowly learns to accept him into her life. But even with things starting to look up for Jill, the massive demons of her family and her past continue to loom, unresolved.

The internal monologues and prevalent doubts that swarm through Jill’s mind as relayed by the narrator are palpably troublesome, and anyone who has dealt with similar feelings will understand her position immediately. Ultimately, this is a story about faith and its ability to get those who nurture and cultivate it through even the most challenging or long-standing issues in one’s life. The interplay between Jill and her own family and that of Jill and Bill ring honest and prove to be quite emotional at times. Readers who are faith-minded will enjoy this piece of drama that affirms the power of their beliefs, but anyone can enjoy this tale of second chances, resolved threads, and the core belief that anybody deserves to find their own peace of mind. With a powerful portrayal of emotional struggle and sharp, realistic dialogue, this story shines in its portrayal of both highs and lows.

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