"You must become a goose who can hear the Great Goose’s words and never doubt them."

Every kid wants to be the hero of their own story, whether it be fighting a disability, a school bully, or society’s judgments. In the case of this book, the main protagonist is a goose who, along with some friends, learns to change the world despite being at a disadvantage or disabled. The author does an excellent job of crafting an entertaining and poignant story of how someone can make a difference in the world despite having a physical disadvantage and being an outsider. Henry loves flying more than his brethren. Because of his affinity for humans, he ends up with a leg that will never heal. He feels called to something greater and follows that voice as he heads on a journey, partaking in many adventures and picking up friends along the way.

Beck paces the story extremely well and with exciting adventures while creating complex characters who strive to make a mark on the world without all the typical moodiness and angst often found in fiction. Instead of focusing the story on Henry’s physical disability or initial isolation, the author instead hones in on Henry as a multi-faceted character, sending a message to readers that he is more than his physical disadvantage. In fact, part of the reason Henry is both a lovable and endearing character to the reader is because he finds meaning and purpose in more than himself. He discovers these in his calling by the Great Goose and in his friends, such as Anthony and the cobbler. Henry’s story will appeal to young readers who enjoy tales from an animal’s perspective, which can make it fresh, entertaining, and overall fun to read.

Category Finalist for the 2021 Eric Hoffer Book Award

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