Honest Nutrition
by Ira Edwards
Trafford Publishing

"They should get exercise, sleep, sunshine, water, eat fruits and vegetables. We all hear this, over and over, but mixed with loads of bad advice, they don't sort out the truth."

Honest Nutrition is born of his own research into the health and nutrition field. It is simply written, beginning with an overview of the medical establishment that focuses on the economic and psychological effects then is broken into sections that focus on the body, medical conditions and ways to remedy them. Included for the reader are abbreviations and terminology to help understand and absorb the medical jargon.

Edwards does not pretend to be an expert, nor does he pretend to claim everything he writes is truly accurate. But, what he does differently is present in layman's terms his research and discovery within the vast field of health and nutrition. Edwards wants to help the reader navigate the complex battleground of claimed experts, who with studies, reports and medical advice oftentimes contradict one another, leaving one confused and bewildered. He takes an unbiased approach and begs you to ponder, "How can I take charge of my own health? Can I become more knowledgeable than my doctor?" With this book, he hopes you will by using it as a guide to take initiative and become better informed regarding your health.

Though written from a perspective and background in medicine and the sciences, Edwards also cautions the reader not to simply take his word on everything. He encourages you to be proactive by researching and asking the right questions. He reminds the reader, "I started out to write this book about honest nutrition. Unfortunately, I have included dishonest claims… Anyone using this book is still faced with the problem of sorting out what is honest and true." This book is certainly a departure from the dense textbooks that crowd the shelves and the reader may appreciate an honest voice.

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