by Erin Lynne
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"An accident might change your life, or just make you think. A friendship will do the same, as will love."

American author and artist, Erin Lynne, paints a beautiful literary portrait. Here we follow the central female character, a passionate young ex-patriot living in France. As a teacher, she introduces students to the work of J.D. Salinger, interns for an online magazine, and thrives within an atmosphere filled with bise (European air kisses), apero, bars, and bistros. As a Francophile, Lynne has clearly immersed herself in the beauty and culture of these surroundings. From motorbiking through cityscapes, to weekend country escapades, the author narrates an intimate tour, generated by the main character's memorable and well-paced actions.

Within the story's primary male/female relationship, there are moments of joy as well as consequences releasing heartache and questioning. From an artful perspective, Lynne likens the emotional vibration of our souls to a gift. In the face of a sudden and unforeseen tragedy, the true nature of relationships will be revealed, the value of family and friendships defined, and the simple power of love realized.

Though classified and styled as fiction, what sets this work apart is its reflection of actual events that took place in Lynne's own life. As the book's central chapters are written in third person, it provides an added dimension for readers, as the author looks in on her own life's journey. The latter part of this book offers a wise, reflective voice in the aftermath of critical events. Lynne showcases letters to and from family and friends, as well as revelations from a blog interview. In the vein of the classic Irving Stone biographical novel about renowned artist Vincent Van Gogh, the audience will come away with a deeper understanding of Lynne's own innate "Lust for Life." Hers is a perfect story that artistically exposes and embraces the knowledge and importance of "growing in our own imperfection." It's a remarkable, meditative sentiment drawn from a truly beautiful and inspiring read.

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