Inspirations of Life in Faith: Volume 1
by Nomusa Buleni
AuthorHouse UK

"Knowledge of truth found solely in God’s Word gives and yields faith."

The mechanics of the Christian faith are examined by author/preacher Buleni. Using quotations from the Holy Bible to support her views, she recounts personal experiences that underpin her own strongly held convictions. She describes faith in Jesus Christ as follows: once you accept him, you will have a new life, be seated with Christ, and be able to act with his authority. Though you are human and will always have earthly tendencies, God’s grace makes life easier. God—infinite, self-sufficient and all-powerful—acts through the Holy Spirit to do miracles and bestow gifts. These gifts include wisdom, healing, prophecy, and discerning of spirits. Her own gift came not from her early religious life but through a powerful “baptism in the Holy Ghost” that gave her the joy and the voice to preach and testify. A later portion of the book illustrates faith by contrasting “what you usually say” with what God would say. For example, you might say, “I am too tired now”; God says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”

Buleni, a British citizen, was born in South Africa and has traveled extensively in Europe and Africa while teaching and preaching. This narrative, the first volume in a series, combines thought-provoking Biblical research with Buleni’s intimate journey as a born-again Christian. At times her non-standard English grammar is noticeable, but this is largely overcome by the persuasive expression of her beliefs. She offers useful techniques for building a positive attitude and learning to control the tongue, which reveals our character through our speech. She also helpfully invites comments and input from readers, offering direct links for communication. Those who sincerely seek to understand their own relationship with God can learn much from Buleni’s experience and may be grateful for her willingness to share her knowledge.

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