Inward Expressions
by Ronal Reddy
Trafford Publishing

"Poetry is the testimony of what is around us. It is the feeling of peace."

This collection is filled with forty-eight pages of compelling similes and metaphors that provide a unique perspective on life. While the themes include self-discovery, love, time, and death, among many others, the strength of the poems is in its vivid imagery. One image that will likely resonate with the audience is that of a glass coffin trapping water. More than anything else, this compilation will assist readers in establishing calm and allow them to enter a state of relaxation and philosophical thoughts.

In "When I needed help," and "Who am I?" the poem is conveyed through a riddle, while "Life is…" explores a series of metaphors that juxtapose life with objects such as mirrors, computers, etc. A strong suit of the poem is the sentence structure; there are few long, winding sentences that readers have to grind through. On the contrary, most lines are only five or six words long, which help the poem flow and provide rhythm to the poetry.

Perhaps the most intriguing poem, "Death," reflects on death as the denouement, or conclusion of a stage performance, with the curtains following to signify the end. Other ideas tackled throughout the poetry revolve around different forms of love. For instance, one poem dwells on the lovely innocence of a child compared to the sinful nature of maturity. In "Love?" the universal phrase, "in sickness and in health," is shredded to pieces as the author debates how often this clause, uttered during one's wedding vows, is honored in life. Any fan of poetry is sure to appreciate Inward Expressions.

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