This heartwarming and adventurous tale is told from the perspective of two resourceful kitties named Jazzy Girl Muffin and Rhumbi Boy. Both rescued from the same litter, this feline duo lives with a married couple they have nicknamed The Noisy Guy and The Quiet One. And while these kitties love their idyllic home, they are hardly content with lazing in the sun. Instead, these compassionate cats secretly influence their humans to love and rescue more animals, including the ducks who dwell in a nearby pond, a chipmunk named Chippy, a mouse named Montgomery, four baby bunnies, and even a little bird trapped in a feeder. Offering each other an enthusiastic "PAW 5" upon each successful endeavor, these kitties encourage their humans, and the readers, to welcome all types of animals into their homes and hearts.
A colorful compilation of anecdotes dedicated to the precious animal lives surrounding us, Seider's work introduces the reader to two lovable cats whose adventures are certain to charm and delight. Complete with a backstory on the adoption of the real-life Jazzy and Rhumbi, as well as the origin of their names, the author's genuine affection for her animal friends comes through with every word. A sweet story with a serious moral, this work continually affirms the value of nature, encouraging readers to choose adoption and preservation whenever possible. With an excellent message to share with children of all ages, the adorable narrative, complete with PAW 5s and humorous asides from the perspective of two well-loved kitties, ensures that the message is playful and never preachy. Children and adults will love Jazzy and Rhumbi and their heartfelt message and will undoubtedly eagerly await their adventures to come.