"We all hope for a better and peaceful world. Hope springs eternal in the human heart, but we need to understand it is love that will bring it to fruition."

In examining both politics and religion, the book begins with an Introduction, is then divided into two parts: Part I Politics and Part II Religion. Within these two parts are 21 chapters, which are then followed by a Reference Index which is mostly a listing of Biblical references. Part I chapters include our political atmosphere, how to curb terrorism; health care; our national debt; the economy and jobs; and national security. It also examines immigration reform, Social Security, the Postal System, and solutions for the Middle East. Part II focuses on religion as a barrier; the nature of the world; the existence and the nature of God; and the nature of man. The final chapters include as we think so we are; materialism vs. spirituality; those who experience spiritual events; the joy of death; health and healing; and the conclusion. By organizing the book in this manner, the author has made a clear and definite outline of these topics, and most chapters have relevant ideas related to the problems within religion and politics.

As the author is a retired USAF Colonel who was involved in three wars beginning with WWII, his anti-war stance is a valuable look into the horrors of wars and the politics behind these wars. The exploration of how some religions have been at the basis and justification for such horrors is also examined as well as his beliefs regarding how we can change such problems. The focus on the problems of a two-party system is also analyzed. The work regarding the problem of religion is interesting as is the juxtaposition between the rather conservative Christian outlook, including man's disobedience to God while using Biblical quotes to justify his views, with the openness to spirituality through love and acceptance. In the political realm, the strongest chapters include examining how the United States' political system has been taken over by the military industrial complex, the out-of-control spending, and national security. The most interesting work regarding religion is the focus on near-death experiences, the joy of death, and a focus on health, medicine, and healing.

This is a book that may open the eyes of the reader for it examines the United States' culpability for the politics and religious beliefs that lead to hate, terrorism, and war. The author offers ways to help us to grow though the political and religious systems to aid in the development of our higher selves, and while some of these options may not be ones the reader agrees with, they are ways to expand our thinking and our faith. Readers will find a mostly Christian focus that employs Biblical sayings to justify positions covered within the pages. Perhaps more than just Biblical quotes could be used to support the arguments, although many people will find solace in this focus. Easily read with pertinent insights, the book flows nicely and encapsulates the author's beliefs, both politically and religiously. The book will be a valuable read for all of those on a path to healing through hope, acceptance, and compassion.

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