Litvin's Code
by Chester Litvin, PhD
Trafford Publishing

"The kinesthetic representation of the filled-up position is announced by clamping of the right hand. An empty position is represented by the clamping of the left hand."

Dr. Litvin, an accredited School Psychologist, developed an innovative method for non-invasive brain stimulation, aimed mostly at young children. His exercises are easy to follow and understand, and they "stimulate the brain to translate letters from one mode of expression to another." For example, a small diagram is shown in which there are two letters: A and B. The letter A can be represented by an audio sound, such as a knock, double knock. The letter B can be represented by a double knock, and knock. These audio sounds can be then easily translated to their kinesthetic representations, in which letter A can be represented by clamping of the right and left hand, and the letter B can be represented by clamping of the left and right hand.

This method of brain exercise is developed even further, as Dr. Litvin presents more simple diagrams to spell out full words, such as snake or jug through series of audio sounds (knocking) and through kinesthetic expression (clamping and unclamping of hands). The same system can be applied to learning digits, such as 1-10. Colored illustrations are also present with some of the more-detailed diagrams, such as an umbrella or a turtle, to help kids guess the correct answer of the exercise. According to the author, these exercises help children increase their attention and concentration, as well as their ability to develop a better focus. This book can be a good learning tool for young children or even for people who had suffered some type of a brain injury. The point is to unlock the unused or "sleeping" parts of the brain and therefore getting the mind functioning at a higher capacity. It's an interesting exploration of the limits and further reaches of the brain.

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