Mastering Negative Impulsive Thoughts: Secrets For A Longer, Happier Life!
by Dr. John and Elizabeth McIntosh
GP Mx Solutions PL

"NITs can vary from small negative doubts to major negative beliefs that are established over time."

"We must recognize and eliminate NITs [Negative Impulsive Thoughts] because our health, success and happiness depend upon it." To support this advice, the authors have years of professional experience. Doctor John has spent over thirty years in medical practice; Elizabeth's extensive background includes ministry, training, speaking, and clinical practice. In Mastering Negative Impulsive Thoughts, the authors share personal and professional stories that demonstrate how to recognize NITs and techniques for eliminating them. Beside being a major cause of sickness, negative impulsive thoughts hinder people's ability to achieve amazing results in their careers, finances, or relationships. Successful people have known this for years. More than "Positive Thinking," this book presents simple techniques that can bring successful thinking into anyone’s life.

Whether dealing with an inner impulsive thought or the words of others around you, first ask Three Magic Questions to determine if the information is true, uplifting and worthy of your and others' goals. By asking these questions, you will soon discover NITs in the workplace, home life, and the media. The authors state that most NITs can be traced back to fear. Next, use the Stop, Drop and Roll technique. This immediate response is a combination of verbal and visual affirmations of your personal values. The technique calms the rise of negative emotions and keeps destructive words from dominating your thoughts. If practiced consistently according to the 21 Day Rule, you can replace a long-standing thought pattern/habit with a successful trait.

Final chapters of this 279-page book cover specific strategies for NIT removal in areas that include relationships and child rearing, the workplace, sports, politics, and religion. Further explanation of brain research, with less wordplay regarding NITs, would make the book first class. Finally, the audio version will serve the intended audience by reinforcing information while driving or performing tasks.

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