"Four women met/Once in a thousand years/Each beautiful and fair/And prepared to take a stand."
Meeting of the Seasons by Katya Romanoff Trafford Publishing
book review by Mihir Shah
"Four women met/Once in a thousand years/Each beautiful and fair/And prepared to take a stand."
When the four seasons, portrayed as beautiful and powerful women, vie for dominance, the world becomes witness to snow castles, a carpet of greenery, scattered leaves and blooming gardens. Romanoff's poetry depicts conflict between the seasons through stunning illustrations that awaken the imagination.
The secret of life is hidden within the season's battle for supremacy. The author represents the beauty of each season as a separate stage of life. Whereas summer and winter are extreme, however, spring and fall capture life's balance. Though directed at an adolescent audience, individuals of all ages will find Romanoff's distinctly philosophical message of life, death, and everlasting hope soothing.
Younger audiences will relish the combination of personification and vivid images including, but not limited to "frosty winter in her snow white coat" and "hot summer with rosy cheeks." While the illustrations are a crucial element of establishing a mental picture of the seasons, the simple, yet precise use of poetic devices and descriptive language succeed to simplify the complex philosophical idea of the cycle of life.
Winter, summer, and fall are all worthy of victory; however, spring is the only season that can resurrect the dead with its warmth and tenderness. Birds return in the spring amidst the sound of music and children playing in the park. Unlike other seasons when it is either too cold or too hot to be outside and enjoy nature, life returns to its happy-go-lucky youthful exuberance during the spring. Scenic images, soothing poetry, and a powerful message make this a meaningful read.