"The more I was willing to help anyone who needed help, the more the Spirit would prompt missionaries to call on me."

Author Visker, a devout adherent to the tenets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, fulfilled a long-held wish at age sixty, returning to college to become a registered nurse. This enabled her to join the LDS missionary movement overseas, in islands and nations of the Central Pacific, the Caribbean, and the Philippines. Earlier, she had helped to start a children's choir in Utah, affording young people the adventure of touring in the U.S., Mexico, and England. In her ensuing missionary and nursing role, Visker witnessed and experienced many miraculous and vividly depicted occurrences. For example, a woman with blurred vision received donated glasses giving her back her sight. Children were saved from drowning, literally in some cases, and also through Visker's CPR training and instruction. Outbreaks of the dreaded dengue fever were managed and lives saved among missionaries and indigenous people. Also, hundreds heard and accepted the gospel message she shared.

Visker, writing with notable skill, has organized her adventures into a chronology that begins with earliest inklings that the Spirit of the Lord was guiding her path and keeping her from harm. In recounting her work in poor and disadvantaged cultures, she evinces sensitivity and a generous nature. Too, her descriptions of medical emergencies, ad hoc surgeries, and quickly taken measures to save lives are gripping. These include the remarkable tale of a fellow worker's need for a blood transfusion. Many missionaries donated, and when the "missionary blood" began to flow into the patient's veins, "there was a warm, glowing sensation," and the healing began. Visker's book radiates her convictions and her dynamic, determined character. Her recollections should interest anyone who has lived or visited the places she recalls, and who, like her, has observed the power of religious conviction in serving others.

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