Moses in the Hieroglyphs
by Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett
Trafford Publishing

"There is an irony in the kind of splendor of having stood, and even fought for the right thing."

Wilson and Blackett, who refer to themselves as the Alchemists, take on the complicated task of postulating that a large part of Israel's history as we know it has been misconstrued including names, facts, dates, and entire blocks of time. The main thrust of their thesis is that complexity of the hieroglyphic writing system, the various languages in which they were translated, inherent linguistically weaknesses, archeological artifacts, and carbon dating all point to the fact that the widely known foundation of history, along with the dating and interactions, is wrong. In support the authors provide detailed drawings of the hieroglyphs, what they believe the translations to be (and why), and the effect of the translations on history. They then use the information to give a detailed correction of facts, names, and dates.

Ancient historians will either aggressively dispute what they read in Moses, or they will find a ring of truth within the analysis. Any dispute of the premise or conclusion set forth by the author's without following their research would be emotional not objective. This is a very interesting and informative read if you even have a fleeting interest in ancient history. A review of this work with some other works that question certain facts as related in religious and historical texts could prove a joy for true ancient historian scholars, especially if the cross references give even more weight to an argument. Although the text is a bit detailed, the authors lend it a narrative bent that keeps the reader engaged.

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