Multiple Bold Steps
by Abayomi Adeyeri

"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing far outweighs its outcome."

Nigerian banker and businessman Adeyeri uses the wisdom of his life as a template for others on the path to success. He himself did not always make excellent decisions and wryly refers to the acronym “FAIL” as “first attempt in learning.” In secondary school, he didn’t pass enough courses to get into university, but through family connections a rule was changed, allowing him to enter university taking a different course of study than planned. This was his first “bold step.” It altered his professional direction, steering him to a banking career. During college a church leader mentored him, inspiring him to take further initiatives. Throughout the autobiographical portions of his narrative, Adeyeri offers such rules as FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Successful and stresses that success is about its second letter: "U." Once “you” are developed, you will become unstoppable in every way.

Adeyeri is a competent and engaging writer, using language very much to his advantage. He displays a sardonic sense of humor and charming wordplay. For example, he advises his Nigerian readers considering emigration that they might find professional opportunities in their homeland; employment-wise, he observes, there is not much “merry” in America. He gives ample credit for his achievements to a loving family, mature co-workers, and a deep Christian faith. He sometimes turns to folk wisdom. For example, in speaking of becoming a good leader, he asserts, “an army of goats led by a lion will soon defeat an army of lions led by a goat.” Most of the strong points regarding Adeyeri’s own bold steps are embedded in his personal story, so the book functions best as a memoir rather than a manual. The author’s attainments are admirable, his life the proof that he has walked the road toward which he wishes to guide and motivate others.

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