My Dreams Come True:
A Journal of My Paranormal Experiences
by Ioan Dirina Jones Harvest Publishing

"'By describing many different types of dreams and images that I received, I render a glimpse into the processes of my subconscious mind.' Ioan Dirina is a Romanian born immigrant to the U. S. who has written a copious journal of his dreams or images with brief demonstrations of how they 'came true.'"

The book is comprised almost solely of two-part sequences—dream and outcome—with each chapter heading being a year. For example on May 17, 1996, the author dreamed of drinking coffee. The next day, someone offered him coffee and he refused. Generally the author will then say that the event described "suddenly" reminds him of his dream the night before. The dreams are highly varied; the time span is from 1961 to 2005. Dirina says that the dreams recorded are only about half of the prescient dreams he has had. Dirinia's dreams and his willingness to record them over the years indicate an inquisitive mind open to supernatural phenomena outside the ordinary realm of thinking. Occasional dreams seem to demonstrate real future vision: A dream in which he "re-established my friendship with a fellow student" is followed by an incident when, the next day, the student "actually came over to me and asked me to forgive him for what he had done to me."

This is a competently written book, though many will find it tedious since its totality is the hundreds of dreams and fulfillment episodes following the dreams—all presented without much practical background information. Essentially the author asks us to accept his assertion that he can "see" the future in dreams, without offering any scientific or parapsychological underpinning. Too many of the sequences are clearly mere coincidence, such as dreaming about buying a car and then seeing an ad for car insurance in the newspaper the next day. Too, there is nothing in the book that really touches on God or religion, which is a disappointment after the "teaser" subtitle; there is only the author's brief declaration in the Introduction that his book "brings that much-awaited proof, which Bible fails to provide." In the end, the dreams and their outcomes are centered on mundane events, not spiritual visions or happenings.

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