My Life Has No Purpose
(Which is why you're doing great!)
by David Weber Lulu

"Your true purpose is something that is stronger than even passion. It encompasses everything you're about, meaning you have to pursue it otherwise you won't be happy."

Most of us got unsolicited but well-meaning advice on finding purpose in life from parents, siblings, teachers, friends, religious authorities, colleagues, and society in general. This book focuses on bringing clarity in navigating the maze constructed from other's instructions, expectations, mixed messages and contradictions.  

Weber survived the confusion and indecision generated by these strongly expressed opinions, even though initially he took them all to heart. After years of frustration, the author quietly began an inner rebellion, seriously examining his beliefs, where they originated, and whether they were true or helpful in finding his life's purpose. He observed, "In a nutshell, I was taught that if you couldn't meet society's expectations of success you were a failure as a person."

Weber's quest led him to discover a natural, universal energy that flows through everyone all the time. By understanding how to enter this flow, life would move in a direction that was not only happy and satisfying, but also free of conflict and fear. Not surprisingly, he also noted that flow blockages had to be uncovered, first. Sources of these blockages are listed, along with defining terms such as anxiety, decisions, uncertainty, fear, guilt, free will, truth, and morality as they relate to flow.

The final pages provide five recommended exercises that help you find your own unique flow. All you need do is suspend any disbelief in your innate ability to simply go with your life's natural flow. Weber states, "When you're in flow you never have to make decisions. All the answers come naturally and seamlessly, even if you do not know the outcome."

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