No Crystal Stair
by Sarah Smith Ducksworth
Trafford Publishing

"As the wind grew stronger and the dancing grew wilder
We rushed outside to escape the cha cha cha
Of the Ship shaking mama named Camille"

Divided into three sections, Reflections, Reality, and Renascence (rebirth), this collection of poetry is a personal response to the times and nature of Duckworth's world. With the power of her words, this woman takes us on a journey into her psyche in a manner that illuminates not only her life but all lives. These poems embrace the joy, horror, laughter and sorrow of lives deeply lived, which ultimately becomes the pact we make with the universe and/or God. "The Quest for Perfection" revolves around time, body, and spirit. "At The Breakfast Table" relates the emotional investment in a long term relationship. The vivid imagery found "In Your Embrace" makes passion transcend this world. The saga of "Saphira's Secret" introduces us to the darkness of slavery, rape, and murder as well as the light of understanding, acceptance, and love.

...Wrapped tightly in Henry's embrace
Saphira felt uncommonly safe
And for the moment she forgot
That loving him was for naught

In words accessible to everyone, this poet titillates, humors, and haunts. The tone and attitude of her poems seem well suited to their language, whether it be "Robert Burns" a poem that asks if people are good; "He Don't Wanna Do Right If It Means Living Without The Hands," a poem that brings the morality of infidelity into a question; or "The Leveraging Power of Hate," where the author tackles the effect hate has on our lives.

...Oh, Hate can bring out all the hounds in hell,
And give them thrones on which to dwel

Sarah Smith Ducksworth is the child of Mississippi school teachers. As a youngster, she lived in a segregated world yet grew up to teach language arts and write. The questions she poses through her poetry beg attention. And that is a major strength in this work.

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