"The days have come and gone so fast
And the years have rolled into one
We try to forget the things of the past
As in this race we do run."
No More Birthday Cakes For Me by Janie Ferrell Trafford Publishing
book review by Mihir Shah
"The days have come and gone so fast
And the years have rolled into one
We try to forget the things of the past
As in this race we do run."
In the spirit of personal poetry, Janie Ferrell’s No More Birthday cakes For me takes readers on the journey of her life, from the nostalgia of childhood to friends, reunions, and the pivotal moments of life.
Set primarily in her hometown of Williamstown, South Carolina, Ferrell's poetry compilation is soothing and explores themes relevant to the different life stages. For instance, 7-year-old Janie Elizabeth Turner (maiden name) is leaving the church service and exclaiming to all who will listen, "I am Seven and I want to go to Heaven." Poems such as "My first Vision" and "Did You Ever Wonder Why You Go to Church?" further supplement the author's spiritual background. At the same time, poems such as "Here I am just 10 years old," "The Williamston Mineral Spring Park, and "Four Nephews?" depict the life of a normal girl, growing up with her doll house, eager to have birthday parties and invite friends.
Perhaps the most appealing aspect of the poem is the juxtaposition of Ferrell's poetry and perspective from childhood and adulthood. While many poems in the book are commemorations to friends (e.g. "The Three Musketeers") and family who have stood the test of time, Ferrell's poems are filled with exuberance, the spirit of life, and the desire to build memories instead of simply reminiscing.
Overall, No More Birthday cakes For me is deeply personal. Ferrell's poetry leaves her life an open book, filling readers with a sense of appreciation and admiration for the author's fighting spirit. In addition to being heartfelt, the poems are well-written and aesthetically pleasing. Janie Ferrell's No More Birthday cakes For me is undoubtedly a worthwhile read.