Dealing with the death of a loved one is not an easy journey. In Now, author N. E. Ilori shares her own struggle following the departure of her mother, father, and unborn child in rapid succession. Ilori's passionate words create a tribute to her loving parents, whose strength and life shine on through her book even in their passing. Photographs included within the chapters, as well as at the end of this short book, drive home the sense of loss the author has suffered. Ilori writes about her parents' strengths and shortcomings, and about the process she went through in accepting their death. But above all, this deeply personal book strives to enlighten the reader, compelling us to find peace in pain through acceptance and faith.
Those looking for a step-by-step process of coping will not find it here. Instead, the author's words are uplifting and spiritual, calling often on the power of faith in God. Now is one person's path to acceptance of God's will, with the goal of understanding death, surrendering, and moving on with life as a stronger person. The author stresses that all obstacles—even depression—simply require willpower and a belief in God to surpass. This book will not be of much help to non-religious and non-spiritual readers, but it can provide a gentle push towards acceptance for those who simply need to be reminded of God's love during a difficult time. Ultimately, Now is about being good to yourself and others, about accepting pain and death, and, with the help of God, moving on.