"I have seen His presence, and I have experienced His favor throughout the writing of this book's pages."
Obstacles to Deliverance by Rev. Christopher S. Peterkin Trafford Publishing
book review by Libby Grandy
"I have seen His presence, and I have experienced His favor throughout the writing of this book's pages."
Obstacles to Deliverance is timely in its subject matter. Rev. Christopher S. Peterkin, a biblical scholar, addresses the obstacles people face today. He suggests that many may have lost faith, feeling hopeless in the face of seemingly overwhelming problems. Rev. Peterkin reassures readers that everyone, at one time or another, needs help and guidance. It is his hope that Obstacles to Deliverance will assist readers to come face-to-face with their challenges and, by a leap of faith, be able to overcome them.
Rev. Peterkin cites a passage of scripture and then applies it to possible scenarios in the present time. For example, he states, "...even as you read through these pages, there are those plagued with a sickness and desire to be healed of it. The most likely decision made in such circumstances is visit the doctor. After visiting doctor after doctor and consuming and applying the several prescribed medications, the condition remains, or grows worse." In regard to this kind of situation, Rev. Peterkin cites Mark 5:25-34 and the story of the woman who said, "If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole."
For those who feel hopeless, Rev. Peterkin again refers readers to the Book of Mark, stating, "Your present condition does not have to be your future condition." Obstacles to Deliverance is a thoughtful, carefully researched book by an author who clearly is committed to helping readers deal with their problems and fears.