"I was horny but I knew that, in the same way Tea Party types know that Obama is a secret Muslim, the girl was not horny and nothing I could do would change that. But she might put out for some other reward."

A unique autobiography, this 339-page book offers a glimpse into the past and present, laughter and sadness, and life lessons. The author has led a varied life with a variety of careers in human services and policy making in governmental service, culminating in helping President Bill Clinton develop welfare reform legislation. He is the author of numerous articles and reports regarding poverty, social policy, and human service issues. While the book explores this history, there is also the history of Corbett as a human being with his own faults and foibles, including his alcoholism. The 15-chapter book explores issues such as learning, relating, working, searching, growing, loving, believing, sharing, evolving, struggling, and his musings about life. With a focus on his work, his love life (or lack thereof), education, political beliefs, and his ineptness as a human being, Corbett offers insight into remembrance, healing, and laughter.

Written in a self-deprecating manner, this is an educational and humorous book. While it is a memoir, the author's intellectual wit and oft-times outlandish statements, makes reading this a joy. The details lead to one's own walk down memory lane, especially for those age fifty and older, yet the timelessness of the writing will also engage younger readers. Corbett is an equally-offensive writer making fun of various social institutions and belief systems, including God, women, men, virginity, Catholics, sex, parenting requirements, and Republicans. Politically incorrect and liberally biased, it is a fresh take on living life as life is given. Unfortunately, he makes a statement regarding pedophilia which steps over the bounds of human decency, which mars the story. But with forgiveness of this inappropriate comment, he enlightens the reader with stories and research. Laughing out loud is the norm for this book.

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