Owen's Day
by Vanessa Lyman Withers

"Wake up, wake up, you sleepyhead.
Owen, get up; get out of bed."

Designed for children who are or will be entering school, this book offers insight into what needs to happen for Owen to get ready for his day. This includes not only what his day is like at school, but what his afternoon and evening are about as well. Through a fun rhyming story, Owen learns to do things like getting a good night’s sleep, what types of clothes to wear for the day, eating a healthy breakfast, brushing his teeth, and taking a bath. The author further describes Owen’s day regarding getting on the school bus, learning his lessons at school, playing with friends, and enjoying basketball (his favorite game). The book then discusses his day with his family, including eating a good dinner and then getting ready for bed.

Filled with excellent illustrations, Withers’ tale engages children with a charming storyline and helpful reminders of what activities are important to do during the entire day. The rhythmic flowing of the story is easy for early learners and early readers. It encourages healthy behavior throughout the day, including the importance of behaving on the school bus. It also focuses on the importance of education, teachers, and friendships while encouraging the importance of routines and schedules. The book is one to be read over and over to help instill the value of doing daily life activities as well as continuing to instill the values regarding education, being a good human being, and enjoying life. Withers has composed a wonderful book to add to almost any library, whether it is in the home, school, or community.

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