Siena is a Celestial Messenger in training in Earth’s Heaven. At one of Heaven’s balls, Siena notices Sirius and Penti, a couple known for their love and devotion to each other. Curious about their story, Siena manages to convince Penti to tell her how their relationship came to be during a training session. Penti begins to recount their epic tale, all the while imparting wisdom and her teachings along to Siena.
A novel that mimics the format of an epic, this story focuses on the love that developed between the two Celestial Messengers, Penti and Sirius, and the trials and tribulations they went through. While this novel seems to be the second book in a series, prior knowledge isn’t necessary, as the characters are introduced with plenty of backstory to keep readers up to speed.
One of the main aspects of this novel is that it blends spiritual, religious, and mythological components, whether they be teachings, characters, or places. For example, Heaven and Mount Olympus are mentioned along with Christian angels such as Gabriel and Raphael as well as Egyptian Gods like Osiris. Each character has its representations and meanings, giving extra weight to the celestial, heavenly fantasy setting that the author strives for. Why wouldn’t all the gods exist in one plane?
While Penti tells her tale of training as a Celestial Messenger and falling in love with Sirius, she is also recounting many of the lessons that she learned as a student to Siena. Several of these lessons of mindfulness and inner strength tend to be highlighted or bolded so that the story almost doubles as a self-help guide while sharing Penti and Siriu’s story of love.