Passed with Flying Colors
by Cindy Kinjo-Hardart
Trafford Publishing

"Divine intervention happens at the precise moment when the soul is connected to the spiritual realm."

Cindy Kinjo-Hardart details her journey as a spiritual seeker with unseen but palpable spiritual guides in this compelling memoir. Her first experience with these beings happened in early childhood when she ran away from home to search for her father, who was working at a distant location. She found herself in what she describes as a UFO, an extraterrestrial craft. An aura of love permeated the experience, an apt metaphor for the memoir.

Kinjo-Hardart’s appetite for spiritual knowledge increased throughout her formative years. Subsequent experiences with these beings continued, especially under trauma. She developed an appetite for reading only books about paranormal, occult, and metaphysical topics. Though unable to confide in family about her early experiences, she relished the solace, guidance, and even the aspect of feeling monitored and tested by her guides.

As her life progressed into adulthood, Kinjo-Hardart was naturally attracted to meditation, a vivid, light-filled experience that included discovery of out-of-body travel and remote viewing. Her out-of-body travel began to happen almost nightly. Eventually, she is also accosted by dark forces in events reminiscent of brutal extraterrestrial abductions, unlike the earlier, pleasant experiences. She sought refuge in Christianity to overcome the negative encounters. Ultimately, through a union of Christian and metaphysical wisdom, the spiritual guides become her constant companions and she embraced her dual life in earthly and spiritual realms as a medium and spiritual teacher.

Later chapters about Kinjo-Hardart’s dreams and travels feel episodic, but are also filled with fascinating detail. The narrative wanders at times, and the book’s webpage-style formatting might also distract if not for revelations of the powerful transformation and the incredible spiritual gifts that grace her life. This book is clearly an inspiration for readers who seek to understand how human spirit meshes with universal wisdom and compassion.

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