Quest: Seeking Promise in the Here and After
by Robert Lewis Dey

"Darling of dreams, deft deceiver,
Eluding all my fragile grasp would hold,
Doubter I, or just a blind believer?"

The subtitle to this volume of poetry provides readers with a glimpse of what to expect inside. Compiling more than three dozen different poems, there are similar themes throughout the book regarding love, faith, and devotion. The poet brings forth personal memories such as his wedding night and also composes poems that are more rhetorical in nature. In keeping with the core idea of faith, some poems include an illustration paired with a biblical quote that helps to express the idea and message of the accompanying poem. This collection closes on an exciting tale of a pirate named Bloodthirsty Dan that may not fit with the theme of the other works on display but certainly is just as artistic in its imagery and execution.

Prior to retirement, the author taught English composition, and it reflects extremely well in his expert use of phrasing, vocabulary, and rhythm. Each poem is written in a way that leaps and soars off the page, meticulously creating imagery and then guiding the reader through it. As poetry books go, the pace is dictated purely by the reader, whether they want to consume it from cover to cover or rather pace themselves and take things one poem at a time. The search for a promise and faith in times of duress or while facing the unknown is what largely fuels this collection, and so it can serve as a great comfort for readers when they need the inspiration to face the obstacles before them. Whether readers find the subject matter relevant to their circumstances or not, these poems are worth reading simply for the merit of their beautiful and precise construction.

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