Rather Fond of a Double Entendre
by Cormac G. McDermott
Trafford Publishing

"The blokes I was in primary school with were so thick they'd think 'Camp David' is the fella who slayed Goliath with a stone from his pink g-string!!"

A collection of jokes, one-liners, and clever turns of phrase, this book's comedy comes off the page and goes straight for the throat in the conversational, freely spoken Irish style. Ranging on subjects from Premier League football, popular music acts both modern and classic, celebrities, and just the people of the world we live in, McDermott's writing style reads like a stand-up routine at times. On other occasions, the book becomes a freely flowing stream of consciousness that brings the reader inside the head of a man who sees the world for the joke that it can be sometimes, punchline and all. No matter what makes you laugh, there is enough variance here to satisfy almost everyone.

Part of the difficulty in writing a humorous book is in capturing the delivery of a well-told joke, but the author's writing style is so natural that his voice shines through from the page. While some of the humor requires a familiarity with the Irish lifestyle and geography, there are still many laughs to be had no matter who you are or where you're from. Though some of the more profane words are censored enough, much of the material in the book is a bit on the racy side, so it may not be appropriate for younger readers, but adults will be pleased to see something a bit more appetizing than knock-knock jokes. Each chapter of the book is divided up by the type of humor contained, so stories are in one section, funny anagrams in another, and so on.

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