Rule # 1: Don’t Be # 2
by Daniel Milstein
Gold Star Publishing

"Work so hard that one day your signature will be called an autograph."

Daniel Milstein, best-selling author and CEO of the Gold Star Family of Companies, has written a new motivational book for business people, with snappy, thought-provoking guidelines that can apply just as easily to everyday life situations that we all experience. On almost every page, he provides aphorisms to get you charged up and ready to roll on almost any project. He reminds us that eighty-six percent of millionaires are self-made, and jokingly but pointedly tells his readers that while they were deciding if the glass was half empty or half full, he sold the glass. He emphasizes teamwork, insists that you don’t get lucky, you make your luck, and states boldly, “Lunch is for losers.” Yet he assures you that if you choose the right career, you’ll never need a vacation because your work will bring you the happiness you seek. Pointing to successful people like Thomas Edison and millionaire Jack Ma, he propounds a “never give up” attitude.

Milstein is an excellent exemplar of the go-getter philosophy he espouses. He came to the US from Ukraine as a teenager with only a few pennies to his name and rose from flipping burgers at McDonalds to his position as head of an international company he started in an office that had previously been a supply closet. His compact book is eye-catching, utilizing a variety of font sizes and styles and mixing colorful text and graphic backgrounds. Each chapter title spurs the reader to think and act: “Go Big or Go Home,” “There’s No Room for Complainers,”and “Get Off the Couch.” You can flip through this highly readable, portable manual for its plethora of punchy ideas and inspirational parables, or you can read it quietly and thoroughly as a study guide to success in the art of business and life.

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