Seeds of Content
by Dale Blackford
Trafford Publishing

"Temptation is the desire to settle for less than the best. Don’t let the good get in the way of the best."

Seeds of Content triggers the thought process of embracing the uniqueness and the complexity of our lives. The author challenges readers to engage in a personal journey, one which leads to an awakening and living a life that is richer, healthier, happier and more complete. Blackford claims that our journey begins with acceptance. It takes courage to be true to ourselves, but we must continue to believe especially when no one else does. Once we have mastered the concept of accepting ourselves, we must then evolve into "appreciation." Appreciation is the state of mind that views the whole of life in what seemed to be only a small part.

Throughout the book, seeds are planted into the hearts and minds of those who have enough courage to embark on a journey of becoming a better person. Blackford shares some of his personal stories—moments of desperation in which he was searching for answers to life’s many questions. He felt that his life was not working, and he didn’t understand how to make it better.

Blackford's journey, and the one he wants for us, is about alternate possibilities. His writing involves the discovery one's grandeur within all circumstances. In one particular story, he describes his youth and living on the edged. He developed a habit of speeding and popping wheelies on his motorcycle. He amassed enough tickets to result in the suspension of his licenses and was eventually sentenced to ten days in the city jail. Although he was locked up, he still felt a sense of freedom. This ordeal gave Blackford a deeper knowledge of the real meaning of freedom: that no matter what is happening in the world, nothing affects you outside of your reaction and attitude about it.

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