The Soul of a Colored Woman
by Regina R. Hudson

"Yesterday my fears were larger than me. Yesterday, I had no faith in my future or what I wanted to be. Yesterday I was lost and confused. But yesterday was yesterday."

For those of us who have a calling for the writer's life, it can come at any time. Ms. Hudson's yearning to write poetry and share it with the literary public, came in 2006. She gives us this diverse collection of poetry. The lively language of "Football Sunday" makes us see how much we share common bonds of activities. However, sometimes it is hard to unite our home life (watching football, fishing, going to parties) with our spiritual life of praying to God in many places of our lives and going to church. The social consequences rises up in "Young Black Women." The advice for these women is very strong and compelling. "Being young and black, yea that is a challenge along. But being a woman, well you know the song." "Young Black Man" seems to chastise them for not trying harder to over-come economic and social problems to become successful black men. The home needs the black man to be a good father to his children, husband to his wife and the church is calling out for the black man to make a difference in the lives of his community. You will not have a dull read with this collection. As the roller coaster speeds you up and down the track, these poems give you a blood pounding literary experience.

The poet was born and raised in Miami, Florida. She opened Hudson Early Childhood Educational Center as the assistant director in 1991. While gaining insight from her early career working with children, she wrote her first collection of poetry in 2008. Knowing the power of words is one reason she wanted to share, with the literary public, her poetry. You cannot help but be moved by her sun kissed, moon drentched verses.

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