Soul Mate’s Journey
by Lauren Greysen

"But now as she lay there drifting in and out of consciousness, she saw only a glimpse of a dream."

After a devastating blow renders her unconscious, Becca Roberts drifts into a world of memories that force her to face the choices she has made in her life. Becca’s life is dominated by relationships with men, and as she recounts one messy and unhappy relationship after another, she confronts her mistakes and blind hope in love. Despite the heartache and pain of these failed relationships, Becca believes in second chances and renewed romance with the one man that almost got away. Her willingness to grow, change, and ultimately to learn from her experiences leads her to find love and happiness with her true soul mate.

Greysen has created a character on a forlorn journey searching for love and acceptance. She encounters tragedies and obstacles along the way but keeps focused on improving herself and never giving up on love. Greysen beautifully captures the loneliness of searching for a soul mate and the lessons that come with each relationship that doesn’t last. Becca is fearless in her willingness to examine what goes wrong, which leads her to shining moments of clarity and bursts of wisdom about love, connection, and the hard work of staying committed.

On the periphery of Becca’s story, she struggles through health scares, family deaths, and career setbacks. These moments work to give her a fully realized life outside of her search for love, but all of her choices seem to be filtered through her experiences with men. The third-person narration lends a lackluster voice to the journey as we are moved from one relationship to the next. But Greysen adequately captures the unique contours of each romance. The men are all different and are fully developed characters, distinct in their actions and interactions with Becca. They combine to tell a satisfying story about the search for love.

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