Still Waters, Expressions from the heart
by M K Pandurangi

"When I was young I dreamt from my heart. They were dreams of the most beautiful things under daylight. Lessons from Mother Nature mending my heart."

Mr. Pandurangi opens up a beautiful world of expressive verse with this collection of poems. His words take you from his past of rambling walks through the Autumn woods, fishing with friends, dreaming of Basque villages, rocky shorelines, watching young lovers love, seeing a flower shop in Switzerland, enjoying his parents' visit to Washington D.C., feeling the agony of a search and rescue operation, watching a friend skydive, hearing the click clack of cowboy boots and jingle of spurs, smelling wild creepers with pink flowers.

These poems are lively,very imagistic and cerebral. They cover a wide range of topics and give you hope. His poem "One World", has such beauty immigrating from it you "fel the gravity of a beautiful planet" as the author states. In "Ripples," you can close your eyes and go back in time. See little boys sitting on a river bank with their pants rolled up and feet dangling in the water as they watch fish swimming by. The verse "Petals in A Cross," tells of the Dogwoods and their place in religious history. The four petals represent the cross, rusty indentations (nails), short stamens (the crown), and red fruit (Christ's blood). Dogwoods are a reminder of what Christ did for us. This poem describing some of natures glory makes you smile. "The Woods Behind", talks about a few tree species—Pine, Oak, Cypress and Maple. Their thick, lucious, leaves form a canopy in various shades of green.

This poet comes to us from Florida. Mr.Pandurangi is President of N! Decisions, an information Systems and Management consulting firm. His education includes an MBA with Majors in HRM and Marketing and Minors in Management Informations Systems and a Bachelors in Science with Majors in Computer Science and Personnel Management with a Minor in Life Science. This author will be writing more inspiring work for years to come. His work is exciting.

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