"Verse is my way of externalizing and comprehending more fully my thoughts and feelings about my experiences. But it is also an invaluable means of releasing pent-up emotions and for painting beautiful, sad, or joyous pictures with words."
Strands of Memory Reprised by William R. Tracey, Ed. D. Trafford Publishing
book review by Maggie Harding
"Verse is my way of externalizing and comprehending more fully my thoughts and feelings about my experiences. But it is also an invaluable means of releasing pent-up emotions and for painting beautiful, sad, or joyous pictures with words."
Strands of Memory Reprised is the third in this series of "life" poems written by a man who clearly paid attention. By that I mean that many of us go through life in such a way that if we didn't write down our impressions of a feeling or an event right at the moment, we would probably not be able to recall their essence at some later time. William R. Tracey is able to do just that with a skill that makes it seems simple. His life has been long and filled with memories of "Love and Family, Friendship, War, Nature and Life."
Approximately the first half of the book is devoted to poems that Tracey wrote to his family that includes his wife, children and many grandchildren. The poems speak with heartfelt emotion about his feelings for each individual as well as his hopes for their lives. Most are written in a simple, non-rhyming style that read like precious notes from a loved one. There are even a few Haikus that provide lessons or add emphasis to the preceding poem.
In the second half of the book Tracey delves into his other life themes, beginning with War and continuing through Nature, Favorite Places and Life Events. He writes about being in uniform, living on Cape Cod, learning at his grandfather's farm, surgery, depression and sobriety. Each topic has the potential of touching someone in their moment of need or awakening a similar fond memory. I'm sure the poet would enjoy knowing that he reached into someone's life in this special way.