Symphonies of a Lifetime: A Collection of Poems
by Eman Abid
PageTurner Press and Media

"A promise is the closest thing to trust.
It is the only thing that stands tall when everything else begins to rust"

This collection of poetry assembles over 100 selections that deal with the themes of personal conflict, struggling relationships, and the difficulty of dealing with depression and related emotions. Each poem is designed to stir the emotions of the reader with evocative imagery that exhilarates combined with the kind of emotional turbulence that virtually every person can relate to. With so many different selections to choose from, these poems provide multiple perspectives on universal situations, while always inspiring the possibility to overcome and to have hope that things will get better.

Whether consumed slowly or digested all at once, this volume is sure to inspire its audience and awaken them to the introspective perspective and how that shapes the way we all approach our feelings. One of the greatest strengths of poetry as a medium is its ability to make the most of vocabulary to express the most private of thoughts and emotions. The author of this collection uses that strength to great effect, using carefully selected word choices to create the greatest impact in the reader’s mind. While the language is definitely powerful and striking, it does not make the poems too complicated to read without a reference guide. A standard rhyme scheme is used during the majority of these selections, giving a strong sense of structure from beginning to end and helping the author to make good use of their inspiration while writing in a way that makes every new poem feel fresh and unique. Reading through this volume requires the audience to make a personal journey through the poet’s heart and experiences, but those who appreciate poetry as an art form seek out and relish opportunities such as this one.

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