"Connecting face-to-face and eyes-to-eyes is critical in a nurturing relationship."

Some of the most important and significant components of human behavior and development are formed within the first two years of life. This unique poetry collection uses the metaphor that raising a baby during its most developmentally important years is like nurturing a seed of wheat. Each poem in this collection portrays a scenario that communicates one message: for positive development to occur, parents must reduce toxic stress, which severely and negatively impacts development in the womb and during childhood's early years. Like the wheat seed, which needs the perfect conditions to grow, infants and children need loving and supportive parents and environments. By showcasing the importance of reading, music, playing, sharing chores, and caring, these poems act as small reminders that so often the simplest acts become not only the most memorable but also the most important.

These poems and the colorful illustrations accompanying them address important steps parents can take to ensure their home is a positive, healthy environment for a child's development. The images depict socially diverse homes and situations that encourage mutual respect between family members, playmates, and friends. This collection acknowledges the difficulties faced by modern parents and provides insightful, science-based resources that guide parents through dealing with potential medical, financial, and emotional situations. This book becomes a great read for the family because parents can share it with their children to explain the importance of family and positive behavior, which combine to form the foundation of future resilience and independence for the child. For new parents especially, this collection is a must-read.

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