"Exhortations to prepare for AI have become commonplace. “AI is coming!” is the message. Well... AI is already here."

This well-structured and researched work describes the practical role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world and the necessity of people to develop interpersonal skills. A plethora of technologies functions constantly and more efficiently than humans can at similar tasks. For decades, humans have feared—not without reason—that emerging technologies will replace them. In some ways, AI has. People can't compete with the pervasiveness and particular abilities of technology. However, people also contribute skills that technology cannot, such as people being able to work with other people. We are creative, adaptable, and, generally, personable in ways in which AI, by definition and function, is not.

At its most productive, AI is "labor," performing often sophisticated work that is broken down into basic tasks. Humans, on the other hand, are the creators, "humanists" by definition, and administrators. The reader is reminded of an example from classic science fiction: in A Wrinkle in Time, Meg frees her little brother from the control of an emotionless "IT" by repeating, "I love you, Charles Wallace."

The authors are specialists in both the risks and cybersecurity of emerging technologies and also the geopolitical and socioeconomic implications of technologies. Their extensive background in the field informs the work as well as lending validity to it. For example, Marin Ivezic's experience has been in working with clients who have used emerging technologies to reduce costs for businesses, replacing as well as creating work for humans. Meanwhile, Luka Ivezic has worked in six countries and has observed the mutual processes of technologies and cultures to shape rather than overtake one another. Their book is easy to read and provides common-sense advice as well as examples of working with and not for emerging technologies. A useful bibliography completes the manuscript.

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