The Gift of Sobriety: A Spiritual Transformation
by Rose B.
ReadersMagnet LLC

"Sometimes I get upset by unexpected occurrences, but I quickly realize I am off balance and apply a tool from the program to get...recentered."

The author candidly shares what she learned from attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. The most significant lesson was that it is not in one’s own power to stop alcoholism. She needed help from a higher power. At times this external help might come from a person, such as her AA sponsor—a recovered alcoholic of the same sex to whom she reported regularly. At other times it was people’s testimonies given in the weekly meetings that helped her to see a way out of the addictive behavior. She attributes help received from each earthly source as being sent by the higher power to free her.

The author also came to recognize that negative thoughts and words were really her disease talking. She gives examples of life experiences, like caregiving which rattled her over the nine-month recovery period in the book. Significant days were painful reminders of the death of her life partner. At such times, her disease suggested that a drink would solve her problems. She was able to recognize that this alcoholic’s solution would cause rather than heal pain.

Remaining anonymous in her 92-page book, the author clearly explains factors related to being an alcoholic such as this is a progressive disease with a genetic source, alcohol is a depressant, and consumption of it contributes to suicidal thoughts. She also helpfully lists the Twelve Steps of AA’s program. The author chose to write her story in the hopes it might help others trying to defeat alcoholism, to understand their personal value regardless of past events, and that as AA members they are never alone in their struggles. Readers with alcoholic family members will value her candid glimpses of life after alcohol in AA and be encouraged. Recovering alcoholics will appreciate the short chapters which can be read each day like a devotional.

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