The Great Creator, The Creation and His Creatures is a collection of poetry that encompasses a range of topics. The poems guide the reader through the Creator’s grand design at the creation and through various issues human beings face on a daily basis, such as taxes and finances. The poems draw on the idea that we live dual lives—one aspect of life focuses on God and religion, while the other focuses on earthly concerns, like sickness and death.
The collection is broken up into eight different sections that touch on different issues, such as truth, silence, and prayer. Each poem is accompanied by information from the Bible and Wikipedia or quotes from other sources. These short paragraphs add a deeper understanding to the poems. Each poem is like a look into the poet’s thoughts and ideas on the subject. Rony Michel Joseph expertly combines words and images to bring the message to life. The images are perfectly paired with each poem, creating a distinctive beauty. There are poems in the collection that will stick with readers and make them stop and think about the issues addressed throughout the book. The collection draws on many core Christian values to illustrate the idea of dualistic living. Each poem is beautifully written and brings to light each topic it discusses. The poet has created a collection that educates while providing readers with the opportunity to deeply experience the poetry.
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