The Hand of God
by David Paul
Trafford Publishing

"These are testimonies that I asked God to help me remember so that I could put them on paper to exalt His name..."

What The Hand of God lacks in organization is quickly made up for by the life story of the author. His real story begins in his teens after the Detroit shooting death of a cousin. Paul tells how the Lord spoke to him through a Bible tract given out by a man on the street wearing a long black coat. The man disappeared, but Paul felt the urge to read the paper. Finally he accepted his Aunt's offer to attend church. There, he walked to the altar to receive the Holy Spirit. He was filled with peace for the first time in his life. He also felt that his hands had become those of a healer.

Paul was able to see two of his children healed by prayer from life-endangering birth defects. Offering to pray for residents in his neighborhood, an elderly lady seated in a parked car was able to walk for the first time in ten years. At his work place he predicted a "famine" to coworkers just prior to the company's bankruptcy. Most miracles occurred after hours spent in daily prayer before speaking to others.

The timeline of life events in the book roughly include: his youth, a stint in the Navy, work years, marriage, and divorce with custody issues involving his five children. The rest of the book details the circumstances around his successful witness and healing ministry. The book suffers from a lack of editing. There are also no chapters or other organizational strategies. If Paul had been a writer by trade or had an invisible editorial hand at work, his personal stories would increase in power and presentation. Be prepared to be astounded by the true happenings shared in this fifty-page memoir.

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