The Heart Whisperer
by Hosain Mosavat

"My insignificance
is not worthy of any recognition
What should be recognized
is our connection
Through the poetry that is within us
and among us"

This third and final collection of poems by the late poet Mosavat rounds out the style and approach that his fans have already become acquainted with, sharing poems about and inspired by love of all kinds. After sharing some personal thoughts and even a poem included from his wife, the primary body of work continues in the same vein as his first two volumes. With philosophical thoughts and a spiritual approach, the author gives his readers much to think about when it comes to the reasons behind the emotion of love and the elusive nature that it can so often have. Containing plenty of traditional poems, this book also holds several short metaphors and pieces of advice that will lead the reader to do some soul searching on their own, even as the poet suggests that the next such work will be written not by him, but by the audience.

In an enlightened and appropriate fashion, the author’s last volume of poetry speaks to the reader more directly, urging them to understand and reflect on the matters considered in his poems. The intention seems to be for the reader to truly learn and digest the author’s message in order to carry on his example or to resume his style of work and spread a message of celebrating love. As with his previous books, this collection of poetry is written to be well understood and opts for the use of allusive language rather than a diverse vocabulary. As a result, these poems are accessible for readers of all levels and perfect to share with family members, significant others, or anyone else who might need to feel loved. Considerately written, the possibilities for more beautiful poetry from anywhere are left open by this warm and caring soul.

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