"A single refined thought can carry more influence than all the internal ramblings of an unfocused mind over the course of its lifetime."

Reality is like a multifaceted diamond, one in which everyone has a unique perspective that shapes it. Out of the din of the many, however, there are those who feel compelled to pass along that experience and knowledge in a message to others, often in the form of the written word. Diehl utilizes his experience with self-publishing to give a brutally honest message to aspiring nonfiction writers on the art and viability of self-publication.

The book opens with Diehl asking forthright, almost daunting questions to the aspiring author. The first takeaway refers to the message the author wants to convey to the intended audience and whether it is unique to stand out from the cacophony of the many nonfiction books out there. The second one (and perhaps the most important) is whether the aspiring writer has the willpower to write even when it is neither pleasurable nor convenient. Do they write or are they merely infatuated with the idea of writing? Diehl sets the tone of the book with these questions since they are the foundation for a nonfiction writer’s success.

Diehl’s book is refreshing, leaving no misinterpretation on what success is for a nonfiction writer. It’s filled with bite-size information that is easy to digest and follow, guiding the reader from the theory of writing to the basic mechanics of writing, research, and marketing. Each chapter ends with a summary so that the reader retains the critical information. Additionally, there is a wealth of resources listed at the end of the book for the aspiring author to get a jump-start on their own work-in-progress. Diehl’s writing is compelling and inspiring, aptly following the tenants of his own message. The author’s book is a must-read for aspiring writers.

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